Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Basic commands in the Command Promt


Learning and self-correction is to be done to achieve a desire. Concentration in the dream that you want, and the exit will be a dream itself. Pray is a supporting factor to achieve the dream, then we should not forget. No ivory bottomless chasm, as well as with this webside. When there is criticism and suggestions, I say thanks.
Basic commands in the Command Promt

ASSOC - View or change the file extension associations.
AT - The schedule and program to run on the computer.
ATTRIB - Display or change file attributes.
BREAK - Set or remove checks extended CTRL + C.
CACLS - View or change access control lists (ACLs) proselytizer files.
CALL - Calling a batch program from another batch program.
CD - Displays the name or change the current directory.
CHCP - View or change the active code page number.
CHDIR - Displays the name or change the current directory.
CHKDSK - Check the diskette / hard drive and displays the status of the report ..
CHKNTFS - Display or change the examination at the time of booting diskette.
CLS - Clear the screen ..
CMD - Windows command interpreter Starting a new one.
COLOR - Change foreground and background color in the command prompt.
COMP - Compare the contents of two or more files.
Compact - Display or change file compression on NTFS partition.
Convert - Convert FAT to NTFS. You can not convert the drive is active.
COPY - Copy one or more files to another location.
DATE - Display or change the date.
DEL - Deletes one or more files.
DIR - Displays list of files and subdirectories in a directory.
DISKCOMP - Compare the contents of two floppy disks.
Diskcopy - Copy the contents of one floppy disk to another.
DOSKEY - Mngedit the command line, Windows command call back, and create macros.
ECHO - Displays messages, or change the command echoing on or off.
ENDLOCAL - End the localization of environment changes in a batch file.
Erase - Deletes one or more of the fie.
EXIT - Exit from the CMD.EXE program.
FC - Comparing 2 or more files, and differences Showing files are.
FIND - Search for text strings in a file or several files.
FINDSTR - Search for string in file.
FOR - Running a specific command for each file in the batch file.
Format - Formats a Memory disk / floppy disk for use in Windows.
FTYPE - Display or modify file types used in file extension associations.
Goto - Navigate the Windows command interpreter to a labeled line in a batch program.
GRAFTABL - Allow Windows to display a set of extended characters in graphics mode.
HELP - Provides Help information for Windows commands.
IF - Running the program in batch conditions.
LABEL - Create, modify, or delete the volume label of a floppy / hard disks.
MD - Create a directory.
Mkdir - Create a directory.
MODE - Set up the system devices.
MORE - Showing results first screen ..
MOVE - Move one or more files from one directory to another directory.
PATH - Displays search Or set the path for executable files.
Pause - Pending the processing of a batch file and Showing messages.
POPD - Returns the previous value of the current directory saved by Push.
PRINT - Print a text file.
Prompt - Change the Windows command prompt.
PUSHD - Save the current directory and then change it.
RD - Remove the directory.
Recover - Restore the information can still be read from a floppy / hard disk that is bad / damaged.
REM - Record in batch files or CONFIG.SYS.
Ren - Change the file name.
Rename - Change the file name.
Replace - Replace the file.
RMDIR - Remove the directory.
SET - Display, set, or remove a Windows environment variables.
SETLOCAL - Starting the localization of environment changes in a batch file.
SHIFT - move the position of the replacable parameters in batch files.
Sort - defining input.
START - Start a separate window to run a command or program specific.
SUBST - Associate a path with a drive letter.
TIME - Display or set the system time.
TITLE - Set the window title for CMD.EXE session.
TREE - View a graphic of a directory structure or path drive.
TYPE - Displays the contents of a file extension.
Ver - Displays version of windows.
Verify - Notification Windows for verify your file has been stored correctly in the hard disk / floppy disks.
VOL - Display serial number and volume label of a disk / diskette
XCOPY - Copy files and directory trees.


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