Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

NEW Wireless Connection is Wi-Gig


Tehnologi growing wireless connection. After the wi-fi, wi-now appear Gig. Four corporate giants in the field of computer and home intertaiment, namely Intel Corp.., Microsoft Corp., Dell Inc., And Panasonic Corp., joined to launch wi-Gig. what is wi-Gig?

Wi-Gig (wireless gigabite) is a wireless tehnologi as the latest development of wi-fi. Wi-Gig enables users to transfer high-definision video device
to television in the house in time singakat.

Wi-Gig in the claim has a speed of 10 up to
20 times more from wi-fi. Thus, the wi-Gig streamline time can transfer data from computer to set-top box. Wi-Gig use frequensi the 60 gigahertz band. Waves that are not yet widely used. this way, data transfer is possible at high speed.

According to Ali Sadri, chairman Alliance gigabite wireless, wi-Gig can transfer at speeds of 6 gigabite per second. Transfer of data via the DVD in any claim
spend time only 15 seconds. Later on, wi-Gig is not only connected to the television. But also with a mobile phone, video camera and a PC.

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